Hinterlands in Andorra

Our company provides services for obtaining a residence permit in Andorra, companies’ registration, opening of bank accounts, tax optimization, car registration etc. We also offer various investment projects in Andorra with full support at any stage of their implementation. If necessary, we help to find a correct property to buy.

Иммиграция в Андорру без права на работу, прежде всего подойдет тем лицам, которые имеют конкретные денежные средства, либо постоянный доход.

Residence permit in Andorra without the right to work

A residence permit in Andorra without the right to work, or a passive residence, is primarily suitable for those who have significant savings or a steady income and do not plan to operate in Andorra.

Residence permit with the right to work in your own company

A residence permit with the right to work in your own company, or an active residence, is suitable for those who really plan to live here most of the time

Immigration Andorra